End of the Year Survival Resources

I’ve been deep diving down the Artificial Intelligence rabbit hole and have been experimenting and testing out many that I think can be useful for teachers and students alike.  There will be more to follow, but here is one you can put to good use immediately


QuestionWell allows teachers to input any type of text like an article, reading passage, essay and it will generate a supply of questions.  I have even used some Algebra 2 summaries

What’s unique is that it will create a set of Essential Question and Learning Objectives from the text and align them with multiple choice questions.  To make the it even more convenient, you can immediately export the questions sets to:

  • Kahoot
  • Quizizz
  • Gimkit
  • Canvas
  • Blooket
  • Moodle
  • Google Forms
  • Quizlet

If this doesn’t suit your fancy, and you’re in need of an activity to use with students targeted toward College and Career Readiness, check out our FREE  Resume and Cover Letter Mini-Unit which is part of our College and Career Bundle.

The Resume and Cover Letter Mini-Unit helps students start to prepare for life after high school.  This can be a great unit to use with all high school aged students and I have used it with 7th and 8th Graders as well. 

We know that at this point in the year, you’re definitely strapped for time and resources, so hopefully these can be of some help

Finish Strong,
